Newlyweds Patrick and Meena embark on a thrilling honeymoon adventure, climbing a mysterious, unnamed mountain that has been shrouded in local legend. As they ascend higher, the eerie silence and ominous warnings from the villagers begin to unnerve them. Will they reach the summit, or will the mountain's dark secrets tear them to pieces?
In a world where tradition and conformity reign, a young sentient begins to question the status quo. When a mysterious object falls from the sky, they must navigate the consequences of curiosity and defiance. As the community faces a shocking attack, the sentient must decide whether to follow the rules or forge their own path. Dive into this thought-provoking tale of self-discovery and rebellion.
Life is now peaceful, reliable, and prosperous. Development spreads to every corner of the earth, but there was only one sacrifice needed to make this happen: The abolishment of religion. A young man who is very inquisitive stumbles upon a website that talks about history and one day gains access to something the world considers the manual for treason. Is the world right to abolish religion, or is there another way, more terrifying but much more fulfilling?